How To Get A Crane On Top Of A Building

30th July 2021

Ever seen an apartment complex under construction, and wondered how the cranes were lifted to the top of a building? Learn more about the role of tower and mobile cranes with Surf City Cranes.

Two Methods to Raise a Crane

It’s not so much that the tower crane is built or placed at the top of the building, but that it is built up along with the building. A smaller, mobile crane assembles the jib and machinery as the base of the larger tower crane, then the tower crane is built up piece by piece, in conjunction with the building.

The crane can be built inside or next to the building itself, and each method comes with a set of benefits to do with the amount of work needed during or after construction.

The Internal Raising System

With the internal raising method, the crane is built up within the building itself rather than outside it. The crane is built up floor by floor, in a method that sees the crane being raised directly by the construction of the building itself.

The process of setting up the crane is easier than it may seem, as there is plenty of empty space available inside of the empty building, and this method minimises the ongoing construction needed to support the crane as the building grows higher.

However, there is more work associated with the disassembly process. Other cranes or even helicopters will be needed to remove the crane parts for disassembly. Not only does this create more costs and paperwork, but it can conflict with the workflow of the site, as the mobile cranes will need to be positioned directly among the ongoing construction work.

The External Climbing System

Alternatively, with the external climbing method, the crane is built on the ground adjacent to where the building will be, and attached to the building by anchor struts. As the construction climbs higher, extra anchor struts are added to raise the base of the crane, so that it can keep pace floor by floor.

The downside is that the crane needs ongoing building of anchor struts during construction; however, by using this external climbing method, the crane can be built as high as it needs to without interrupting the construction work going on in the building itself.

What Permits Are Needed?

Constructing a tower crane comes with its own set of challenges, as they are often built very high in dense urban settings. These can include: awkward access points that need traffic management plans; operating the crane over nearby buildings, even occupied buildings; and using a helicopter to remove crane parts for disassembly. All of these hazards need a risk management plan that has been approved by the relevant permit bodies. While the authorised agent can apply for these permits on behalf of the property owner, it’s best to leave this to the specialists who know tower crane permits inside and out.

Crane Hire Gold Coast and Brisbane

To secure the necessary permits as quickly and painlessly as possible, contact Surf City Cranes today.